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  • : mindszenti, peintre contemporain et poète
  •  mindszenti, peintre contemporain et poète
  • : Toute l'actualité de la peinture et de la poésie de Laszlo MINDSZENTI, peintre contemporain. Ses expositions, ses nouvelles oeuvres sur toile ou sur papier ainsi que tout événement en rapport avec le peintre : ateliers pour enfants, initiations... La peinture du peintre contemporain Anna Mindszenti-Calische, sa fille discussions, échanges à propos des Mindszenti
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Work analysis of Mindszenti

by Francis Parent

tous les chemins nous conduisent à Dieu.bonjour ma petite


The classification provides four or more codes placed on four axis (A - formalism, B - matériality, C - involvement body/mind, D - communication). These codes are positionning the artist in the art history.


When looking at the work, what type of formalisation first strikes the eye? Is it more abstract or more figurative, etc ? (on a scale from more "immaterial" to more "realist").

A405 : Individ ualist Art (Art Singulier) from "outsider" art to mediumistic and paranormal art
(Augustin Lesage, Joseph Crépin, …) even "asylum" art (Adolf Wölfli, Aloïse, ...)

A230 : Abstracts with signs
The work as a whole remains abstract but includes (or consists entirely of): where signs become symbols or icons
crossover from simple writing to meaningful symbols (Jean Fautrier, Alfred Manessier, Alechinsky, Ch. Dotremont, A.R. Penck, Wenda Gu, ...).

A455 : Neo Figurative More or less allegorical representations ("Trans Avant Garde", "Bad Painting", ...)
J.G. Dokoupil, Julian Schnabel, David SallJ.G. Dokoupil, Julian Schnabel, David Salle, Reiner Fetting, Kenny Scharf, Sandro Chia, Francesco Clemente, Enzo Cucchi, Mimo Paladino,...


How does the materiality of what is shown come across?
(on a scale from more "immaterial" to more "real").

B180 : Materiality
in painting, but also with all other materials with the following possibilities: mixed materiality: structured / unstructured
when a work is "structured" in its "lack of structure", and vice versa (repetition of forms, signs, matter ... Viallat, Toroni, Degottex, Hantaï,...). 

B230 : Materiality
in painting, but also with all other materials with the following possibilities: Structured structured combinations
any combinations of lines, colours, matter or volumes of a more structured type (Michail Heizer, Anish Kapoor, Miguel Barceló, ...).

B170 : Materiality
in painting, but also with all other materials with the following possibilities: unstructured unstructured combinations
free combinations of colour, matter and volumes in a more unstructured fashion (Alberto Burri, Manolo Millares, ...).


With what body:mind ratio does the artist enter into his work?
Classify from the most "intellectual" (e.g."Concept Art"...) to the most "physical" (e.g. "Body Art", ...).

C120 : towards the intellectual side/ the essence of things inward looking work chiefly oriented towards: projective
dreams, poetry, lyricism, psychedelic experience … to "project" an inner world (Henri Michaux, Wols, ...).

C160 : tending towards the corporeal / the senses via expression with "humanity" (the passage from Life to Death)
- in a literal manner (John de Andrea, Duane Hanson, Itsvan Sandorfi, ...)
- or a symbolic manner (James Ensor, G. Rouault, F. Gruber, Zoran Music, Rebeca Stevenson, Jan Vercruysse, ...)...,

C180 : tending towards the corporeal / the senses via expression with a frank sensuality, or even openly sexual
either literal (Courbet's "Origin of the world", Lucian Freud, John Kacere, P. Klossowki, David Salle, Gilbert and George, ...),
- symbolic (Paul Armand Gette, Andreas Serrano, ...),
- humorous (Gilles Barbier "cerveau", Boyd Webb "the globe" , ...),
- or "realist" (certain "Body-artists" such as Otto Muehl, Paul Mc Carthy's "installations" , Zoran Naskovski's videos, ...), ...


Does the artist have the deliberate intention to convey a message of any sort through his work?
(classified from the most "mystical" to the most "worldly").

D100 : via what is meant with a more marked religious feeling
from Alfred Manessier's paintings and Giacomo Manzu's sculptures, to Michel Journiac's "Masses" or Andreas Serrano's "Piss Christ" or the Renée Cox's "tableaux" ...

D115 : via what is meant in various narrations or symbolisms whatever they may be
allegorical, metaphorical (J. Beuys' "materials", ...), analytical (Mario Merz's "Fibonacci series", or those of Robert Filliou, ...), critical (from Henri Cueco to Hans Haacke or Hans Haacke ...).



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